The authors and editors are urologists experienced in treatment of kidney stone disease, and as teachers at national and international courses on urinary stones and endourology.
Consultant, urologist and surgeon
Department of Urology
Herlev - Gentofte Hospital
Ass. professor
Department of Clinical Medicine
University of Copenhagen
Chairman of Scandinavian NephroUrolithiasis Group (SNUG)
Consultant, urologist and surgeon
Department of Urology
Vejle Hospital, Hospital Lillebaelt
Professor, PhD
Urological Research Center,
Institute of Regional Health Sciences
University of Southern Denmark
Past-president for European Urolithiasis Society (EULIS).
Member of Scandinavian NephroUrolithiasis Group (SNUG)
nyresten, urolithiasis, nephrolithiasis, kidney stone, stone analysis, calcium oxalate, uric acid, urinsyre, sten, Kim Hovgaard Andreassen, urolithiasis guide, stenanalyse, årsager til nyresten, cystinuri
Marianne Brehmer
Consultant, MD
Department of Surgery and Urology
Danderyds Sjukhus, Stockholm
Member of Scandinavian NephroUrolithiasis Group (SNUG)